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Tuesday, December 11, 2018From corrosive road salt to slick roads, winter creates many challenges for drivers. Another one to add to the list: Tire pressure dips caused by lower temperatures. Making sure your tires are properly inflated is an important part of getting the best performance out of your vehicle – especially during the winter months. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 4, 2018The start of fall brings a lot of welcome things: a new school year, cooler temps and changing leaves. You may not notice it right away, but your daily commute is affected by the shorter days and changing weather, too. (For example: Did you know wet leaves can be as slippery as ice?) READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 14, 2018With warmer weather spreading across the country, please remember that heatstroke tragedies can happen to anyone. It doesn’t need to be a hot day; when the temperature outside is as low as 60 degrees, the temperature inside a vehicle can reach 110 degrees within minutes. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 1, 2018Are you thinking of purchasing a drone? Already have a drone for recreational use? Do you know if you have the coverage you need? As drones continue to become more popular, owners need to think about the risk they are taking by using them. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 13, 2018Homeownership is an emotional investment and an ongoing source of stress. Any action taken by a homeowners association board of directors impacts the value and marketability of each home within the association. Board decisions run the gamut from approving landscaping plans to increasing assessments to engaging in contracts with service providers. READ MORE >>
Friday, September 8, 2017For many school has already begun for kids across the Hudson Valley. That means local roads will be filled with school buses figuring out their route for the first time. It can be frustrating so take a deep breath, give yourself some extra time and keep in mind these four driving rules that most people forget about. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 1, 2017New York Paid Family Leave (PFL) is now a state-mandated paid leave benefit. All private-sector employers employing workers in New York State must provide this benefit as of January 1, 2018. This is the link to New York State’s website on how Paid Family Leave will work: https://www.ny. READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 13, 2017On June 29th 2017, ridesharing became law in parts of New York State. Ridesharing is the use of your personal vehicle to provide pre-arranged trips to passengers. Passengers request rides through the use of the ridesharing company’s mobile app. Uber and Lyft are examples of popular ridesharing companies. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 24, 2017When a puddle of water mysteriously appears on the basement floor, or water seeps into a house and leaves an ugly yellowish-brown blotch on the wall or ceiling (a prime breeding ground for mold), you might look for a leak in the roof, or cracks in and around the walls, windows or doors. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 30, 2017 How much should I cover my home for? It is difficult to decide just how much insurance you need to have on your home to keep your family financially protected. But the actual process of selecting appropriate figure is much simpler than you might think if you break the idea of insurance down and apply its real purpose to your individual READ MORE >>
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